Sustainable Development with an Entrepreneurial Approach!

The Centre for sustainable Development and Cooperation (CDC) was founded in 2004 at the Bern University of Applied Sciences. Following its spin-off, the CDC is now an agile relay station in the field of international development cooperation. 

Thanks to its close links with educational and research institutions, as well as private sector partners, the CDC can reliably mobilise high-quality research, training and consultancy expertise as well as the necessary implementation capacities.

The Centre for Development and Cooperation (CDC) was founded in 2004 at the Bern University of Applied Sciences. It became independent in 2022 and is now an agile link in the field of international development cooperation. Thanks to its close links with education and research institutions as well as private sector partners, the CDC can reliably mobilise high-quality research, training and consultancy expertise as well as the necessary implementation capacities. This, combined with its pragmatic, client- and demand-driven approach, makes CDC an attractive partner.

Jahre ausgewiesen Track-Record
Forschungs- und Implementierungspartner
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Why we get involved

"In many countries of the global south, there is enormous youth unemployment and emigration. A high-quality vocational education and training system plays a key role in finding a solution. Switzerland has sound experience in this area that can be adapted and used."

Why we get involved

"Climate change is happening and increasingly affecting our lives. Decisive global action is needed to meet the agreed net-zero CO2 targets in time!"

Why we get involved

"Protecting against natural hazards and rebuilding after natural disasters and conflicts requires deep expertise and enormous resources. Global solidarity is needed!"

Why we get involved

"The mission of educational institutions is to develop personalities. This includes looking beyond one's own discipline and cultural sphere. With the CDC, we offer interesting opportunities for personal and professional development."

Why we get involved

"Every year, hundreds of thousands of young men and women leave their home countries due to a lack of prospects. Their lives as labor migrants are often precarious."

Why we get involved

"Migration and the resulting cash flows have an enormous impact on development. Because of their enormous importance for households in low-income countries, it is important to increase the transparency and efficiency of migration processes and to optimize transaction costs and the use of remittances".

Why we get involved

"The construction sector is one of the world's largest emitters of greenhouse gases.
It would be fatal for the achievement of climate goals if sustainable building materials and construction processes were not consistently favored worldwide in the future."

Why we get involved

“The fair structuring of the value chains of numerous forestry and agricultural products such as timber, cocoa, coffee and cashew nuts can unlock enormous development potential.”

Why we get involved

"Despite global progress, some 700 million people still live in extreme poverty...

It's a humanitarian scandal!"

Why we get involved

"Issues such as climate change, migration flows and polarisation between rich and poor are also highly relevant to our prosperity and security."

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Thematic basis:

The CDC is aligned with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

CDC Triple Bottom Line Approach

Its consistently customer and demand-oriented approach makes the CDC an attractive partner for a wide range of interventions. The CDC aims to ensure that projects are economically, socially and ecologically successful and sustainable.

Funding, research
and implementation partners

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United Nations Development Programme Partner
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adb Partner
Hilti Foundation Logo
SIDA Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Partner
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